by Shanelle Newton Clapham | 30 Jul, 2013 | Mobile Marketing
I was right! Last week I was in a meeting at the University of New South Wales and a broad sweeping statement was made that “within 2 years the tablet computer will have replaced the PC with university students”. I rejected this statement, suggesting that...
by Shanelle Newton Clapham | 7 Sep, 2012 | Research & Trends
Google has released some interesting data confirming what most of us have already accepted as a given in our daily lives – we use multiple screens to consume media every day. But it’s HubSpot’s interpretation of the data that I particularly like,...
by Shanelle Newton Clapham | 10 Aug, 2012 | Online Advertising, Research & Trends
Nielsen Online measurement giant must be happy when the likes of Google and Facebook are commissioning them to conduct research on their behalf. That research showing definitively that consumers remember ad campaigns better when they see it across multiple platforms...
by Shanelle Newton Clapham | 16 Jul, 2012 | Mobile Marketing
Mobile Marketing is growing incredibly fast because mobile internet usage has skyrocketed in the last 2 years and mobile devices such as smartphones and tablet computers are penetrating our population as though they were a disease. While I am making a joke, it is...
by Shanelle Newton Clapham | 10 Jul, 2012 | Web Inspiration
I love that the walkman and now the ipod gave us a soundtrack to our lives but now we are on the verge of Google’s new “Glass” project possibly giving us a fly on the wall account of our lives. Of course both the walkman and Google’s glass...
by Shanelle Newton Clapham | 7 May, 2012 | Search Marketing
It seems that Google is now selling paid pins or sponsored links in Google Maps on mobile. I was on my way to Bruce Clay’s SEO training in Sydney city and I had to get off the bus a few blocks from where I needed to be, so I looked up the Marriot Hotel,...
by Shanelle Newton Clapham | 27 Mar, 2012 | Digital marketing strategy, Mobile Marketing
In this video I provides tips and advice to businesses, large and small, about the need to plan for mobile as the key part of their digital marketing strategy. The internet and how we use internet marketing is changing so fast that most businesses can’t keep up....
by Shanelle Newton Clapham | 20 Feb, 2012 | Mobile Marketing
Mobile has been reputed as “the next big thing in digital” for several years now. Social Media marketing swooped in and stole Mobile Marketing’s thunder but I think the storm is still to come. Sorry, I’m not good with metaphors –...
by Shanelle Newton Clapham | 20 Oct, 2011 | Digital marketing strategy, Mobile Marketing
I’m not even going to pretend that I could have provided you with the below level of detail when it comes to selecting the right mobile marketing solution for your business – but I can direct you to the superior knowledge of Rob Borley and Paul Boag who...