We don’t need a crystal ball to predict your future; our expertise and experience can provide all the answers.

Shanelle Newton Clapham leads a fanatical team of digital fundraising consultants, strategists, creatives & producers, and development partners.

We do more with less – your budget, resources, time. We under-promise and over-deliver. Together we will deliver your supporters and donors through an outstanding digital experience.

We will be your account manager, partner, mentor, best friend, and confidante throughout the project.

Depending on the scope of your specific digital adventure, we will pull in area specialists from Parachute Digital’s network of partners and suppliers. We’re with you every step of the way.

In fact, if you don’t take on Parachute Digital and Shanelle to educate, create and manage your digital strategy, then you’re doing your organisation a disservice. So chop, chop. Let’s get started.


“Not only has Parachute Digital driven excellent results and provided us a valuable education in the exciting new world of digital marketing, but they have become a trusted part of the NCT team.

I would highly recommend Shanelle and Parachute Digital to any organisation looking to improve their digital capabilities and grow their reputation and revenues online”.

Paul Toni [Former]  
CEO, the Nature Conservation Trust

Shanelle Clapham is one of the best digital fundraisers in Australia. From being a one-woman tour-de-force in the fundraising industry, she’s steadily expanded her parachute family. get to know us better.



Shanelle – Founder and Director of Creative & Strategy 

Our fearless leader is a Digital Fundraising Legend. She’s no-bull, no-nonsense, no guts/no glory type of myth turned real, who you want in your corner fighting for your fundraising campaigns.

Want to try something new or get a new project off the ground? You call Shanelle. Want to do something different to what everyone else is doing? You call Shanelle. Have steep targets and need a strategy that focuses on delivering actual donors and revenue and not just great engagement? You call Shanelle.

She is upfront with clients that her digital fundraising strategies may well challenge the way they view the online landscape, but she has integrity and will always recommend the best plan to achieve your goals.

Shanelle  has worked to transform digital experiences for many of the largest organisations in Australia and the world including; The World Wildlife Fund (WWF), Surf Life Saving, Plunket, Save the Children, White Ribbon, The Wilderness Society, Oxfam, The Heart Foundation, Plan International, Variety, Mission Australia, University of NSW, The Mater Hospital and more. She is ridiculously generous with her knowledge, exhausting with her enthusiasm (ask her team!) and downright brilliant.

When she’s not enthusiastically exploring and innovating in the digital fundraising landscape, she’s travelling the globe and partial to the odd Friday afternoon boogie, smelly cheese and vats of wine, sprinkled with sips of tequila.

Shanelle’s favourite charity is ActionAid because she is a feminist and her sweet spot is donor onboarding journeys.


Mamta – Director of Strategy & Delivery

Mamta is that intriguing mix of technical skill and creative flair. She’s a digital purist who literally lives and breathes the behaviour we tell charities that their donors will respond to. Her all-rounder knowledge and practical skills is why she is now leading as our Director of Strategy & Delivery – ensuring we’re constantly innovating and delivering the best results for our clients’ digi campaigns.

Over the years,  and despite what the digital and real world has thrown at us, Mamta has created and delivered wildly successful lead gen, p2p, cash appeals and RG acquisition outings, and retention strategies and comms that have resulted in millions of $$ raised for orgs in Aus & NZ, and the acquisition for 500,000+ new leads, supporters, donors & event participants.

She’s a strategist, writer and producer all in one, able to manoeuvre between crafting compelling copy for your appeal landing page, harnessing SMS to get the most out of your p2p fundraisers, driving high volume & low CPL for your Facebook acquisition campaign, to implementing complex marketing automation workflows to nurture supporters into donors & doers.

She also loves a yarn – working the DigiRaise, FIA, FINZ and webinar circuits – as well as mentoring digital talent.

Fun is her middle name and you’ll always find her singing, dancing, yogaing, hiking, travelling, studying something random, and just having an all-round good time.

Mamta changes her favourite charity with every new project. Her sweet spot is strategy, content marketing, mentoring, acquisition, and digital advertising.


Patricia – Head of Performance

Don’t be fooled by Patricia’s quiet demeanour, she’s listening to every word and forming plans as you speak – and she’s a deadest legend when it comes to smashing your digital fundraising campaign targets. She’s been working in the digital space since before Facebook hit our screens. She has a BA and a master’s in marketing and ran her own digital agency in Brazil before coming to Australia and taking the plunge into the not-for-profit space.

Having worked client side for Dell, Patricia has great patience and understanding for your process and help you get the best results. A real SEO specialist Patricia makes sure that you show up on Google and is a top-class ad manager to boot.

She can set up automation with her eyes closed and is always keen to learn new systems.

Patricia loves using her talents to help make the world a better place. And charities LOVE working with her. She’s our secret weapon and our favourite.

As our Head of Performance, she makes sure everyone’s doing their best work and delivering your projects efficiently.

She’s also a water baby at heart, spending her time off holidaying at her beach house in Brazil with her beautiful sons, and staying as active as she can.

Patricia cares greatly about the environment, but her biggest passion is helping refugees, inspired by Kon’s story and the Asylum Seekers Resources Centre.


Tania – Manager, Digital Consultants

Tania is a digital native with digital marketing and fundraising experience globally. From stints in Samoa, living abroad in London, to settling down in Sydney, Tania’s flourished across a range of charities and causes including Save the Children UK and ActionAid Australia, and raised income for emergency fundraising campaigns for numerous natural disasters. We were lucky to snag her as our Digital Consultant and the leader of our other talented consultants.

She’s fun, feisty and will tell it to you straight. She’s diligent, detailed, and tough as nails. She’ll give you a fantastic digital strategy and leave no stone unturned to make sure it succeeds. You’ll want Tania in your corner to help your campaigns soar from mediocre to magnificent. She’s an adept juggler of many hats, who doesn’t shy away from tough conversations, and can always come up with a solution. We think she’s pretty great, and our clients all agree.

When Tania’s not dazzling you with her brilliance, you’ll find her raising her two beautiful daughters to be fabulous women, pining for a pinot grigio, taking photos of every dish before she eats it, or chasing the sun in some faraway location.

Tania’s got a sweet spot for women-related causes and international development.


Marcos – Senior Digital Producer

Everybody loves Marcos. Everybody. Our team, our clients, his mum… EVERYONE. And what’s not to love?

He has the double whammy of being both technical and creative, and we don’t know how he does it. He will set up your automations and integrations with ease. He’s great with all things tech and can solve all your complicated questions, while setting up all your platforms for SUCCESS. And he is a brilliant mentor – gently and patiently coaching your team (and ours) through every step of a project.

Marcos joins Patricia in adding Latin flare to the Parachute Digital production team. More importantly, he also brings a wealth of fundraising experience with 9 years of digital expertise under his belt. As well as being an intercontinental fundraiser Marcos also boasts an Honours Degree in Business and is an experienced statistical analyst and programmer (aka data geek).

He came to Australia to experience life in a new country and to brush up on his surfing (waves not web). He’s also ridiculously gifted musically and artistically. We’d hate him if we didn’t already love him.

His favourite charity is (of course) UNICEF but he’s looking for an Aussie org to fall in love with – it could be you!


Dan – Digital Consultant

With a background in content marketing and SEO, Dan has spent the last decade making the internet a better place. For over 5 years, he has brought these skills to digital fundraising. Engaging with a charity online can be a wonderful thing, or it can be the most frustrating part of your day. That’s why Dan has a particular passion for improving the digital donor experience, driven by data insights.

Dan also loves papadums more than life itself and solves maths equations to wind down at the end of the day. Among other pursuits, he dedicates much of his time to op shopping, Mexican food, parenting, blankly staring and dodgy carpentry. 42 is his favourite number, with 118 a close second.

Dan can’t say not to a Save the Children phone call.


Vic – Digital Consultant

Victoria has over nine years’ experience in digital. She kicked off her career managing Facebook, video, and display campaigns for brands like Big W, Woolworths and BWS.

She then moved into the NFP space hoping to do some good. She has worked on every kind of digital project you can think of – new websites, lead gen, peer to peer, appeals, and RG conversion. She has delivered strong digital income growth for charities like ActionAid and The Nature Conservancy.

When she’s not writing Facebook ads or building a comms plan, she’s either out for a weekend hike, visiting a winery or taking photos of her chubby Australian bulldog (who you might hear snore during meetings from time to time).

With a passion for the environment and women’s rights, Victoria loves using stories to drive tangible results for clients. Victoria will always strive to deliver creative tactics to get your message to stand out in market.


Liv – Digital Consultant

Our multi-lingual, multi-tasking, bright-eyed, bushy-tailed Brit rising superstar, Liv, brings 8 years’ experience from media agencies to your digital fundraising campaigns. She’s your go-to lady if you need a solid strategy executed in record time – and she won’t shy away from keeping you on task and deadline to get your campaign rocking ‘n’ rolling.

Liv is fascinated by audience insights and creates strategies with user experience and audience persona front and centre, while testing new channels and targeting tactics. She’s worked on wide-range of campaigns across the UK & now Aus, including healthcare & nursing recruitment, lead gen, appeals and brand awareness.

Liv’s an intrepid travel who spends her spare time sniffing out live music gigs running and reading erratically.

We love Liv. You will, too.

Mental health, refugees & women’s rights are Liv’s jam.


Andy – Digital Producer

Our happy-go-lucky Andy decided pharmacy wasn’t it for him, falling in love with marketing instead. We were fortunate enough to snatch him up, and his love and enthusiasm pours out into the incredible results for digital advertising campaigns he’s in charge of.

Working in the production team, Andy is a stickler for getting down into the details and obsessed with all things social (especially Facebook & TikTok). While he isn’t addicted to using them himself, he is avidly addicted to testing and learning about social adverting strategies and optimisations to deliver the highest volume, best CPL, and positive ROIs for all his clients.

In his spare time, you’ll find him wielding a fishing rod across Tasmania, or else serenading the team with sweet love songs at karaoke.

Andy’s sweet spot is digital advertising, especially social media advertising.


Steve – Technical Digital Producer

Having spent a decade working in the deliciously ‘fun’ technical areas of insurance, Steve decided to change his career.

A lifelong interest in software and programming led to him acquiring multiple qualifications in Software and Web Development, and now the winding path leads him to Parachute, where he enjoys using his skills to help others.

An avid Star Wars fan, Steve dreams about exploring a galaxy far, far away in a ship that won’t work, with a droid that won’t listen.

Steve’s favourite charities help animals, Aussie Ark and Sea Shepherd being two standout organisations for him.


Son – Web Developer

Born and raised in Vietnam, Son has not stayed put since. In 2012, he moved to the US to study a degree in Financial Analysis and Marketing Communications, and he completed master’s in Information Technology in Hobart.

Before joining our team as a Web Developer, Son leant his talents working in videography, e-commerce, and blockchain. Now, he uses his mix of smarts and skills to support our production team across technical and media campaigns – always with a smile.

Son is especially talented in creating donor-centric videos.

How can we help you?