What makes a good donation page in 2019?
Make your website donation page easy for your donors to give
If you want to acquire new donors that will STICK WITH YOUR ORG, do it online.
Digital donors give higher average gifts and are more loyal.
The monthly donors you acquire via your website donation page only have a 14 – 25% attrition rate after 1 year (based on year on year data from Fred Hollows Foundation, ACF and ASRC – see Digital Donor Acquisition presentation here).
So, if your org is addicted to donor acquisition, it’s important to make your website donation page work well. Download this research, it will help 🙂

Speedier & optimised donation experience

More payment options

Savvier across digital platforms and acquiring digital audiences

Better at showing the need and telling our stories
We’re back with a new approach
After a successful, first-of-its-kind Website Donation Pages Research Report in 2016, we decided it was times for a refresh.
With version 2.0 in 2019, we’ve simplified the research to let the donation data do all the talking:
We made a $20 donation to 60 orgs
We went international
We benchmarked against 49 points of criteria
We ranked all orgs in a scorecard against these criteria
We had access to donation data from major organisations to back up our observations
3 years on – The good & the bad
The report maps out the digital donation experience donors are getting in Australia, against supporter expectations, how we were performing 3 years ago, and our international counterparts.
The good news? We’re doing a lot better since 2016 – acquiring more audiences, getting the ask right, and giving an optimised, faster donation experience.
The bad news? We’re still not donor-centric, conversion and projected revenue is down, and we still haven’t gotten some key things from 2016 right.
How does your organisation rank?
Download to read the full report and the 6 actionable steps you can take right now to improve your donation page – and get supporters to give more and the scorecard to see where & how the top organisations rank.