I’m excited about mobile because as a consumer I’m starting to see more and more cool stuff show up in my smartphone apps and see more relevant and targeted local searches when I’m searching on Google via my mobile phone and I can see all of this through my website analytics. Website analytics is telling me that 17% of my blog readings are coming via mobile. I also know that while my mobile visitors spend about half the time of desktop visitors reading my blog, they also have a lower bounce rate.

Website analytics can help you understand your mobile users better

Visitors viewing your website on a mobile have a different expectation of your website


My mobile readers are viewing more pages because I made the smart decision adding a mobile website plugin to my wordpress blog so that mobile visitors get a better experience and can browse my pages easier without having to zoom in and out. Of the visitors that I get from facebook, 30% are from facebook mobile – that’s a higher percentage than just the standard mobile traffic, indicating that facebook mobile users are more comfortable with mobile. Do you think maybe that’s why Facebook bought Instagram? To grow their mobile capabilities?

I would know none of this if I didn’t have website analytics. They help us to understand our audience better and learn from their behaviour to help us make the right decisions about our digital presence going forward.


Tell me, what have you learnt from your website analytics that caused you to make a change to your website or business that has reaped great rewards?