I don’t know about you, but for me, sometimes it feels like every brand on earth is using social media channels to promote their business. But that’s simply not true.
The below infographic gives you a quick snapshot of the Top 100 USA companies and how many of them are using social media and what type of social media channels they have implemented for their business.
As you can see, twitter is the most highly used social media channel at 65%. I know from my own experience that twitter seems to be the social channel of choice for journalists so it could be that these businesses use Twitter to broadcast their press releases and keep influential writers up to date with news about their business.
54% of top businesses have a Facebook profile/ fan page – I would like to know how many are using facebook advertising to push people to their facebook fan page. According to AddThis, facebook leads sharing on the internet with 24% of all online sharing happening through facebook links.
YouTube video channels follow close behind facebook as a social media distribution channel with 50% of top businesses investing time in building their video content with a YouTube channel.
Surprisingly only 33% of top USA companies have created a company blog. The reason this surprises me is that this is the best way to generate regular content to promote via social media. Of course, a company blog also requires a large investment of time and commitment, especially from senior management who are likely to be the company spokespeople and therefore the face and voice of the company blog.

This graph from AddThis shows that Facebook and Email are the most popular ways of sharing information on the internet.
How does your social media strategy stack up against the top 100 companies in America? Are you using social media more or less? Do you use all of those channels or none? Is social media even right for your business? Is social media important for every business?
So many questions to ask yourself.