Every now and then I do have to ask myself if all the time and energy that I spend blogging is worth it. I have written 88 blog posts in the last 13 months, on average I spend about 1 hour writing each post - not nearly as much time as I should spend researching,...
Content marketing
Content Marketing is an Essential Part of a Successful Digital Marketing Strategy
Content marketing is a marketing tactic of creating and distributing content that is relevant and valuable to a specific target audience. This content, or engagement objects as I like to call them, aim to attract, acquire, and engage a clearly defined and understood...
Advertising provides good digital content
I recently heard Jeffrey Cole speak for the first time. I wanted to share some of his ideas that I agree with. Jeffrey Cole thinks that the "tablet" but more specifically, the iPad is the biggest revolution in the digital world. He states that the reason the tablet is...
Email subject lines, Facebook B2B, Blogging builds leads
As always, I've read a dozen great articles this week but here are a few good reads that are relevant to many businesses and are practical enough to actually implement. Email marketing - A/B split testing for subject lines For those of you who have been engaging with...
Good business blogging practice – the benefits are bountiful
Let me be clear up front, I am not a business blogger. I've been advocating for an organisational blog at WWF for almost 2 years now and I will continue to push for it as it will definitely help us reach our global goal of "mobilising millions", but I'm not currently...
Content is King – as every good digital person knows
As every good digital or online person knows, your marketing campaign is only as good as the landing page you send people to. So when I started in a new role and had to build a digital strategy, online marketing and communications plan and build a new website, I took...
SEO Workshop today for Nature Conservation Trust
I'm conducting my first SEO workshop for the Nature Conservation Trust today. I'm excited about moving forward with their approved digital strategy and website content upgrade. I will first give the group an education in Google Analytics and show them...
IMU – New rich media video streaming display banner ad format
Made a new contact on twitter today (@OPENtwit) who opened my eyes to a new rich media display online advertising banner format. It is called an IMU format - an Intelligent Media Unit. Joshua Rex is the founder of an agency in London, This Is Open, who are creating...
Lots of chat about video – online, mobile, tv series – the lines are blurring
So I was reading through my RSS feeds this morning and there is quite a bit of chat about Video. Google's blog Welcome to the future of video got me thinking about the video series I remember being obsessed with for a short while in 2007/8. I've spent the best past of...
Good reads and opinions I agree with about social
Happy Friday to my 46 friends who read my blog from time to time. I am very greatful to know that my thoughts are not just going out into the ether. But even if they were, I'm finding writing this blog very rewarding as I'm learning a lot of myself, my interests and...
Videos can now be searched by keywords in their transcript
Video is content. Keyword rich content. Did you know that Google search can now search for videos by keyword. And we're not just talking about the video title or tags attached to the video, but the actual content of the video, the narration or voice over or...
Optimising for Google Instant Search
Reading an interview with Iain McDonald of Amnesia Razorfish, Iain seems like a very switched on guy and during an interview with Digital Ministry he was asked what he thought of the current digital media market. He had a very interesting insight into the future.
Video killed the plain text website
I don’t know about you, but I love to quote music lyrics in conversation. When I say I love to do this, what I really mean is that later, when I’m thinking about a particular discussion that I’ve had that day with friends or colleagues, I wish that I had quoted the...