So I’ve got a new favourite digital campaigning and fundraising channel! Peer 2 Peer texting. And no it’s not using AI and pre-programmed conversations - it’s actual people having a text conversation - en mass! Adam Knobel, who worked on the YES! Marriage Equality...
Digital fundraising online giving
Message testing in Facebook
Creative Message Testing What does your target audience respond best to? Before your next appeal or campaign, you should try some message testing to get the call to action just right for your donors and supporters. Message testing can be done very quickly and easily...
My First Time at the International Fundraising Conference #IFCHolland
I popped my IFC cherry I don’t know about you, but I had only heard good things about the IFC (International Fundraising Conference). People raved about it - said it was “the best conference” or made references to it like “there’s no conference like it”. Comments like...
Impact on Charities using Facebook for Lead Generation
Facebook has made changes to its Newsfeed algorithm - it WILL affect your campaigns for Lead Gen, Donations and Advocacy Because of you, Parachute Digital is best known for Donor Acquisition and Lead Generation - mostly charities use it for RG and cash conversion, as...
The perks of being an International Speaker on Digital Fundraising
Being asked to speak at an international conference is a thrill I’ve just come back from speaking at the Toronto Fundraising Congress conference in Canada. It was a real compliment to be asked to speak about Digital storytelling and donor journeys - but what hadn’t...
Do you know your donor lifecycle?
Measuring donor acquisition success Organisations are growing and fundraisers are looking for new, reliable acquisition channels. Using digital to generate leads, which charities are converting to monthly donors via an ask by a telefundraiser, has proven very...
Best Christmas Appeals 2016
It’s A Wrap! Christmas is over, so who made us give? With 2017 into full swing, I wanted to take some time to look at some of the Christmas Appeals of 2016 before I gallop full steam ahead into all the amazing projects about to kick-off this year. My inbox has been a...
Telefundraising under fire
Digital lead generation for telephone fundraising Over the 3 years that Parachute Digital has been working with charities to find and nurture prospective donors, using online channels, we have seen a lot of change. The demand for our services has sky-rocketed. As has...
Quick and easy
3 steps to more online donations Quick and easy donations I made a pact with myself a couple of years ago to not answer the question “How’ve you been?” with “Busy” – because it was boring and because everybody is. Busy. Busy. Busy. These days we all seem have more to...
What donors want
Donor behaviour online What do donors want online? Our research set out to determine what donors want in a website donation page as well as what they get. We surveyed 180 donors and conducted 10 in-depth personal interviews to get the donor perspective. To determine...
Assumptions About Donating Online Don’t assume, ask No doubt you’ve heard the proverb about assumptions and what they make of you and me. So we decided that it was high time that we stopped making an ass of ourselves and our donors and found out what really makes...
Website Donations Research met with hesitation
I must admit I have been a little surprised by how hard it has been to get charities to buy into the Website Donations Research. I just thought this would be useful information for everyone and that they'd welcome it with open arms. And if I'm honest I've only really...
Nurturing your donor after their first donation
Website Donations It's July, so for most organisations their big Winter or Tax appeal has come to an end and some Fundraising departments use this as an opportunity to take a big breath and some down time until planning their next appeal. I know this because we’ve...
SMS Fundraising
Fundraising via SMS does work SMS is a viable fundraising channel - but it's not a big revenue driver in terms of volume. Like all channels, SMS as a revenue driver will depend on a number of variables. How current your list of supporters is (current in terms...
How charities can use NFC in their mobile fundraising
In Australia, NFC technology is not being utilised for mobile payments as well as it should be. This is our opportunity to truly integrate our real world with our digital world. What is NFC? So what is NFC technology? Near Field Communication and you're already using...