I'm not a big fan of writing long, fancy strategy documents because in my experience nobody sticks to it. To me, an action plan with 3 clear objectives and some channel focus is far more useful. As marketers we're taught to KISS - Keep It Simple Stupid. But we forget....
Digital fundraising online giving
Payment options on Donation pages
Give your donor options One of the unwritten rules of fundraising (although I'm writing them here) is to always give your donors options. Options for everything: How much to give ways to make a payment Where your donation is spent. And the McGrath foundation really...
Pre-populate your form fields
Pre-populate your donation form fields and you will give your donor less reasons not to complete their initial intention to give. You can pre-fill your donation form from: An email click through A facebook post ask (if you set some location or demographic information...
Mobile friendly keyboards
Easy to use numeric keyboards on mobile One of the best things you can do to make your donation pages easier for your supporters to give to you, is to use the right keyboard or keypad for the device. For me, there is nothing more annoying than having to switch between...
If your objective is acquisition, focus on retention first
The biggest revenue problem most organisations have is not being able to retain their supporters and donors. At Parachute Digital, we do A LOT of acquisition work. Organisations are losing donors at a faster rate than they can gain them. It's not hard to gain a...
Retention: How to be a better fundraiser
Spend as much money & effort to keep your donors, as you did to acquire them I was reading an article about the 7 things you need to do to be a better fundraiser and there is a lot of commonality with what I recommend to my clients, most of which came to us for...
Crowdfunding Vs fundraising
Crowdfunding is different to fundraising In the last 2 days I've heard three people from different parts of my world ask me about crowdfunding and if that's what I do in "digital fundraising" - so it got me thinking about how I see the two working together. My first...
Facebook donations
Last week my husband noticed these Ebola donation ads on Facebook's mobile app. A couple of days later I saw the same thing on my Facebook mobile app. I've since seen it on Facebook's desktop website. When going through the donation process, it appears that Facebook...
Social Media & fundraising
Maybe Facebook can be a fundraising channel As recently as last week I wrote a blog advising that Social Media is not a strong fundraising channel, unless it is linked to a peer to peer fundraising campaign like Movember or Jump Rope for Heart or World's Greatest...
Simple but effective (with media behind it)
Peer to peer fundraising If you've read my book, you'd know that I'm not a big advocate of social media for fundraising - with one exception. Event fundraising or Peer to Peer fundraising has proven how effective social media can be for raising money online. If you're...
Brilliant creative execution but no call to action
I love the “Our Humaninfesto” on the Nature Is Speaking website. Such a great and different “about us” page. It is simple and profound and it grabbed and inspired me immediately. Without seeing any of the "share" prompts on the site, this is what I wrote on my...
Do diseases go in and out of fashion?
Donating on trend? Do donations reflect the seriousness of the issue or cause or is it just a trend? I'd be interested to see what this infographic would have looked like in the 1980's and 1990's. As you can see, this graphic represents the causes or diseases that...
A book about fundraising online
After about 18 months in the making, I am very proud to announce the release of my book about online fundraising for non-profit organisations Attracting Donors Online - Digital Fundraising that Works. Successful digital fundraising case studies & examples...
How to Acquire and Onboard new supporters using online channels
More supporters & more money As the cost of doing business is increasing and the biggest donors (baby boomers) now need to watch their pennies a little more closely and the next generation of donors are more skeptical and demanding - organisations are forced to...
So you need more supporters (& more money)
As the cost of doing business is increasing and the biggest donors (baby boomers) now need to watch their pennies a little more closely and the next generation of donors are more skeptical and demanding - organisations are forced to innovate and change or suffer a...