Anchorman2 has been doing some really creative marketing for the upcoming release. I'm really enjoying the effort that Paramount Pictures have gone to in the marketing of Anchorman2. Creative marketing strategy from Paramount Whether or not you're a fan of the actual...
Digital marketing strategy
Agile development & scoping a project from the marketing point of view
Much has been said about agile development for technology and web projects from a technical point of view, but I want to give you a perspective from a marketing point of view. I've been a client commissioning digital projects as well as a consultant and supplier...
Digital communication fragmentation
Last week a friend complained to me that I hadn't got back to her after she left me a message. I couldn't recall the message, as those who know me know that I particularly value consideration and courtesy and getting back to people in a timely manner is important to...
Digital best practice – do it right the first time
As I've said repeatedly in this blog, I believe that a successful digital marketing strategy requires integrating your online marketing with your offline marketing. However, there are of course a few digital elements that must be implemented correctly to ensure...
Digital Marketing is about continual optimisation & testing
I often tell my clients (and anyone who will listen actually) that your digital marketing strategy and your website is a "forever work in progress". Your website, your social media presence, your investment in search engine optimisation (SEO) and your email marketing...
Invest in a long-term content marketing strategy. Let me tell you why
Your website content is not a channel you can set and forget. Your website should be a living, breathing thing. It should be dynamic and fully integrated into all areas of your business. Content Marketing can be as complex as creating information tailored to every...
Things to think about when creating your Digital Marketing Strategy
When I mapped out this article on Digital Marketing Strategy I looked for many images to find a visual representation for what I wanted to say - and I found a lot of very typical digital process flows and even more digital channel diagrams (like the one below)...
The difference between Information Architecture (IA) & Website Navigation
Information Architecture (IA) is a somewhat scary sounding word that doesn't immediately make sense to most digital marketers, let alone their traditional marketing colleagues - but they understand the term website navigation as they are familiar with this. It is easy...
A Social Media Strategy Guide
I've just created a social media strategy for one of my clients, which I'm presenting to their board today, so I thought I'd share the process that I went through to determine what recommendations would be made, in terms of how they should proceed into the social...
Developing a digital strategy for your business and the role of online
Are you ready to dive into digital? Before I can develop a digital strategy for any business, I need to first understand how the business works, what their resources and org structure looks like, which systems and processes are in place and most importantly, what the...
Social media is a company wide initiative – CEOs need to get tweeting
Are you surprised to learn that only 30% of CEOs use social media? I'm not. And of those who do use it, many of them simply have an inactive account. Social media can be scary for many CEOs, as they might feel they could be personally and professionally attacked, that...
Should websites be the centre of our digital strategy?
Despite the prolific growth of mobile marketing and social media/ social networking - many businesses are still building their digital strategy with the website at its centre. Is this the right approach? Often the strategy and tactical online marketing plan will look...
Digital Strategy: Social Media Case Study – Solo Lucky Yellow Undies
[Warning, wide sweeping generalisation coming] So many companies are trying to break through with a low cost, high engagement social media campaign that goes viral - but few succeed. Social media should be treated as any other marketing channel. Success requires a...
Live Chat on Websites – Helpful or Creepy?
I'm curious what you think about live chat on websites? Is it a useful customer service tool to help you find the answers to your questions quickly or is it a bit creepy and an invasion of your privacy? Let me be specific. I don't mean scheduled live chat where a...
Mobile should be at the forefront of your business’ Digital Marketing Strategy
In this video I provides tips and advice to businesses, large and small, about the need to plan for mobile as the key part of their digital marketing strategy. The internet and how we use internet marketing is changing so fast that most businesses can't keep up....