by Shanelle Newton Clapham | 22 Mar, 2013 | Research & Trends, Social media marketing
I don’t think anyone will be surprised to learn that a new study by Nielsen Online and SocialGuide has confirmed that popular TV shows get more chatter on twitter. It’s called Social TV and I blogged about this back in July 2011. Apparently twitter...
by Shanelle Newton Clapham | 10 Aug, 2012 | Online Advertising, Research & Trends
Nielsen Online measurement giant must be happy when the likes of Google and Facebook are commissioning them to conduct research on their behalf. That research showing definitively that consumers remember ad campaigns better when they see it across multiple platforms...
by Shanelle Newton Clapham | 19 Apr, 2011 | Behavioural Analysis, Digital marketing strategy
I find myself giving a lot of advice to my international WWF colleagues about where to start when designing a digital strategy and getting it implemented, so I thought I would share some of those learning’s here. Always start with data Data is your best friend,...