Ready, set, go. Have you ever been to an ecommerce site, like an airline or hotel finder, checked the prices and when you returned to make your booking found that the prices had gone up? Or, have you found that you’ve gone to book a rail or air ticket a few days...
Behavioural Analysis
Much Ado About Big Data
Rod Jacka and Panalysis has been a friend of Parachute Digital before it existed. Rod is one of Shanelle's mentors and there is no one in Australia who knows more about online data analysis than Rod Jacka. Just how big is...
Analysing how your users behave online
The first thing I do when I start working with a new client is get my hands on every piece of digital data they have. I want to see all of their website analytics. I want to see their email reports. I want to see their mobile app downloads and usage. I want to know...
The power of (publicly available) data
I've been looking for a good data mashup for a while to make a case study and the Where Do My Taxes Go? site comes close , as it uses publicly available information from government sources to calculate its graphs. The reason I say it comes close is because the...
The re-imagination of everything – what the Data tells us
Below you will find a presentation from Mary Meekers who is a leading authority in digital data, research and trends. There are the usual graphs telling us many things that are good to know but no longer surprising, and then there is the section on re-imagination....
Focusing on User Experience Ensures A Customer First Approach
Building a website can be expensive. To do a good job, a business must put aside some time for research and planning to ensure that you're targeting the right people with the right message to get them to do what you want them to do - namely, act (buy, subscribe,...
Eye tracking is an excellent tool for website usability testing
Have you seen the eye tracking heat maps that show how a user views a website? This technology has been around for about 10 years but big online publishers only started using it for usability testing and online consumer behaviour research maybe 5-6 years ago (well,...
What is the best time to engage with your audience on social media?
The reason I love data and website analytics so much is because it provides us with an incredible amount of data that can be analysed, interpreted and moulded into a variety of ways to look at it that gives us digital marketers insights into what our audience want,...
The Connected Generation
How is it that I've been a digital marketer for over ten years, that I've been trumpeting user behaviour and user experience above all else for at least the last three years and I've only just come to hear of Brian Solis. This guy is like a god to me already and I've...
You can never test too much
Yesterday should have been a great day for me and my business, but alas it wasn't to be. The weeks of preparation in the lead up At the beginning of June I sat down and spent 8 hours planning, writing and creating Parachute Digital's email onboarding strategy....
Reaching people who LIKE your Facebook Page
Has anybody else noticed lately that your Facebook Page posts WITHOUT a link in them (a link to your website, a link to a video or anything similar) gets more views than posts that point your fans to your content held off-Facebook? I'm wondering if...
Data made sexy – 2011 Census Spotlight
Many regular readers of this blog will know that I love data. Really, that's why I love digital marketing so much. I love that you can track everything that you do and give the user a better experience when targeting is done properly. I've given numerous examples of...
Website analytics helps us deliver a better mobile experience to our website visitors
I'm excited about mobile because as a consumer I'm starting to see more and more cool stuff show up in my smartphone apps and see more relevant and targeted local searches when I'm searching on Google via my mobile phone and I can see all of this through my website...
Managing your customer database online
What are you doing to manage your customer database online? Do you have an email newsletter? How do you manage the database? What information are you capturing about your customers? Let me guess, just the email address. Or maybe the name and email address. If Yes, in...
How to understand your Facebook Insights Analytics to give your audience the content they want
I was reading a Jeff Bullas blog about the type of content posted in social media profiles and what engages audiences most and he raised a good point about reach (views) versus engagement (clicks, comments, shares). But let me go back a step. Most of you would have...