I want to talk about the similarities (and differences) between the experiences and expectations of people that sign up to a subscription and people that make a monthly donation to a charity. both selected your organisation or product because they believed it matched...
Digital marketing strategy
Bold Messaging for Charity Campaigns
*N.B. The above image from ActionAid is one of the concepts we put forward - it's not what they decided to go with. But I love the sentiment :) I’m a marketeer, so I love nothing more than clever copy and an ad or message that gets straight into the heart of the...
How To Combat The Decline of Email Marketing
The demise of email marketing has been foretold possibly since email marketing took its first breath in 1978. And while I’m still yet to see it pass, there can be no doubt that it is in a state of decline. A 2019 report from Campaign Monitor notes average open and...
Peer to Peer SMS for Campaigns and Fundraising
So I’ve got a new favourite digital campaigning and fundraising channel! Peer 2 Peer texting. And no it’s not using AI and pre-programmed conversations - it’s actual people having a text conversation - en mass! Adam Knobel, who worked on the YES! Marriage Equality...
A Little Inspiration
Every now and again I feel a little overwhelmed with digital. While an amazing space to innovate, sometimes, like with any other platform, the churn and burn can feel mundane and run-of-the-mill. And having worked in the space for almost 10 years now, while I’ve seen...
Making A Digital Connection
Looking for love? I have a good friend who desperately wants to find love. The problem? She hasn’t made a connection with, well, anyone, really. Every time we meet, she laments, “Where do you meet people. Where are all the prospects?” Much like my friend trying to...
Do you know your donor lifecycle?
Measuring donor acquisition success Organisations are growing and fundraisers are looking for new, reliable acquisition channels. Using digital to generate leads, which charities are converting to monthly donors via an ask by a telefundraiser, has proven very...
Acquisition of new regular donors online
You need a values match for long term support I've built my business on the proposition that organisations should promote their values through stories that demonstrate their work and what they stand for. By doing this we match the organisation's values to people who...
5 Tips for Charities using Remarketing
After last year’s Digi.Riase, everyone was talking about remarking. But do you know how to use it properly? I thought I’d put together a little list of 5 tips for charities that want to remarket to their warm supporters. Allow at least 6 weeks to build your...
Assumptions About Donating Online Don’t assume, ask No doubt you’ve heard the proverb about assumptions and what they make of you and me. So we decided that it was high time that we stopped making an ass of ourselves and our donors and found out what really makes...
Digital stuff I know
The Can's and Cannot's of digital marketing and fundraising It was pointed out to me this week that I "know a lot of digital stuff" - and the stuff that I know, and sometimes assume is common knowledge, other people don't know. So I put together a short list of things...
Remarketing to your website visitors
Remarketing, Retargeting or whatever you call it ‘Remarketing’ is the use of display online advertising (usually banner ads or any kind of visual ad placement - Facebook ads are included in display advertising) to re-market to, or re-target, people who have already...
So you need more supporters (& more money)
As the cost of doing business is increasing and the biggest donors (baby boomers) now need to watch their pennies a little more closely and the next generation of donors are more skeptical and demanding - organisations are forced to innovate and change or suffer a...
4 Digital Fundamentals for Marketing & Fundraising
After eleven years of planning, implementing and analyzing the results of digital marketing and fundraising campaigns, I have learned that there are four fundamental elements that are essential for success online. I like to call these the 4 Digital Fundraising...
Creative, Multi-channel marketing at its finest – Anchorman2
Anchorman2 has been doing some really creative marketing for the upcoming release. I'm really enjoying the effort that Paramount Pictures have gone to in the marketing of Anchorman2. Creative marketing strategy from Paramount Whether or not you're a fan of the actual...